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Commercial Development in Greensboro

Steps to Success for Your Next Project

The City of Greensboro is here to help you navigate the commercial development process. No matter how complicated your needs may be, our concierge-level service team helps you save time and money every step of the way. 

The Commercial Plan Review

Land Development Permits and Procedures

Ready to begin a development project? You can submit plans for new construction within the City of Greensboro for review through the City’s Plan Review and Tracking system. City staff will review building permit and land development submittals to ensure the proposed development meets the City’s Land Development Ordinance and other City policies. The same process applies to revisions of previously-approved permits or plans. Here's how to make it happen.

When is a commercial plan review or building permit required?

Commercial building permits are required for all new construction, additions, and alterations (except for minor alterations such as new carpet and painting). That means any applicable construction activity or sign placement requires a building permit before project commencement unless exempted within the City’s Land Development Ordinance. You can obtain a building permit through the Engineering and Inspections Department. 

  • In some instances, a project submitted for review through the building permit process may only require a plot plan within the building permit submittal.  
  • Alternatively, a land development submittal, such as a site plan, may be required. The standards that determine whether or not a site plan is required can be found within Section 30-4-15.1 of the City’s Land Development Ordinance.
  • In many cases, building permits will follow the zoning map amendment and annexation process, and may run concurrently with land development applications, such as subdivision plats or site plans.  
  • Learn more about permits: Fees for submittals and resubmittals + fee schedule status

The Land Development Process in Greensboro

If a proposed development has the appropriate zoning and does not require any additional approvals from boards or commissions, then the land development plan review and approval process can begin. You must have approval of the land development plan prior to receiving a building permit.   

All land development projects, other than for a select number of types of plans listed within the Land Development Ordinance, including new construction or additions to both single-family and two-family dwellings and their accessory structures, require some type of land development plan approval. 

Steps in the Process:

1. Review Permit Information
2. Sketch Plan Review

Sketch plan reviews are a chance to get input on the development potential of property within the city, or land that is planned to be annexed into the city, and highlight major development issues that could impact the development review process.  

Sketch plan reviews are at no cost to applicants, and aim at helping to minimize the amount of review needed after a formal submittal.  

Learn More About Sketch Plan Review↗

3. Annexation and Zoning Map Amendment

If a proposed development site is not within the City of Greensboro, or does not have the proper zoning to allow your proposed use, City Planning Department staff can guide you through the annexation or rezoning process. Both annexation and rezoning decisions are made by Greensboro City Council, with review and recommendation from both the City’s Planning Department and the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Learn More About Rezoning↗

4. Building Applications, Fees, and Procedures

If a proposed development is within the City of Greensboro, and the proper zoning is in place to allow your proposed use, applicants may apply for building permits. In some cases, building permits may be applied for concurrently with land development records, such as site plans. Building permits are reviewed by a variety of City departments to ensure compliance with the City’s Land Development Ordinance, North Carolina Building Code, and other City policies.

Learn More About Building Applications, Fees, and Procedures↗

5. Plan Review and Tracking

All building and land development plans are submitted to the City and reviewed through the City’s Plan Review and Tracking system.

  1. Plan Submittal: All building and land development plans are submitted to the City and reviewed through the City’s Plan Review and Tracking system.
  2. Staff Review: Depending on the type of permit or plan, City staff aims to complete an initial review of a permit or plan within a given number of days. Those review periods are shown for City staff within the Plan Review and Tracking System. Applicants will be automatically notified when City staff has completed a round of reviews, and the applicant may view staff comments in preparation of revised materials for resubmittal.
  3. Resubmittal: Applicants are able to upload revised plans as soon as staff comments are addressed on a rolling basis. There is no resubmittal deadline. The review and resubmittal process continues until a plan is able to be approved by City staff or the City’s Technical Review Committee. (In some instances, an additional fee may apply for land development resubmittals.)
  4. Plan Approval: Permits and plans may be approved by City staff, or the City’s Technical Review Committee. Applicants are notified of plan approvals. In some instances, hard copies of plans may be required for the City’s Technical Review Committee approval, and City staff will assist in coordinating that process.

Learn More About the Plan Review and Tracking System↗

GSO Development Planning Resources

Information and Links for Your Project Needs

As you move through the commercial development process, discover all the resources you need in one place. Our team is also available to help you throughout the process.

Building Permits

Find information using the link below:

Building Permits↗

Driveway Permits

Driveway contractors obtain their permits either over the phone or by coming into the Planning office.

Here is the form from GDOT↗


The general public can view inspection schedules and contractors can obtain their permits from this page↗.

Contractors and owners may also call in the inspection using the APRIL Automated Response System↗.

Construction and Utility Plans

GSO Development Q+A

Discover More about the Details of GSO Development

How is land annexed into the City of Greensboro?

Land is annexed into the City of Greensboro through review and recommendation by City staff, and ultimately by a decision of City Council.

Learn more here↗

What if a site is not zoned to accommodate a proposed development?

To make a zoning update to a proposed development, a zoning map amendment (rezoning) would be required. That process is usually initiated by an applicant, with review by City staff, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council. In some instances, rezoning applications may be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Get more information↗

How can a developer determine whether a proposed development would be permitted on a particular property?

The City of Greensboro Land Development Ordinance is the chief document that guides development in the city. It can be accessed online. For specific development proposals, a sketch plan may also be appropriate. Sketch plans may be submitted to City staff using the Plan Review and Tracking program.

Learn more here↗

How can a developer know what the long-range vision is for particular parts of the city?

The City’s Planning Department maintains a library of long-range plans, area plans, and studies for reference. Staff uses these plans and studies as a foundation for annexation and rezoning recommendations.

See them here↗

How are land development records submitted to the City of Greensboro (For example, subdivision plans or site plans)?

Land development records are submitted to the City for review through Plan Review and Tracking. Submittals are made, and plans are reviewed electronically. Applicants may still need to print approved records for appropriate signatures or record keeping.

Learn how here↗

How are building permits submitted to the City of Greensboro?
  • Building permits that require plan review are submitted through the electronic Plan Review and Tracking system↗.  
  • Commercial building permits are required for all new construction, additions, and alterations (except for minor alterations such as new carpet and painting).
  • All commercial building permits must be submitted through the electronic Plan Review and Tracking system↗ per Section 6-58 of the City Ordinance.
  • Residential building permits are required for all new construction, additions, alterations, and accessory buildings.
  • Except for building permits for only interior alterations, residential building permits must be submitted through the electronic Plan Review and Tracking system↗.
  • Residential building permits for only interior alterations can be obtained over the counter at the Development Services office located at 300 W Washington St. in Greensboro.
  • For more information on plan review submittal for building permits, please visit our website: Building Construction and Plan Review | Greensboro, NC↗ 
What other resources are available to learn about a particular site?

The City of Greensboro maintains a variety of GIS mapping tools for use. These themed maps include differing information, so please be sure to browse the entire library for specific topics.

View the entire library here↗